Walking with Jesus

Walking with Jesus

Devotional Stories to Help us Walk with Jesus
by Don Zoller

Author/member Don Zoller will be sharing some of his writings in a series presented over the next number of weeks, Don will share some of what he terms divine imagination stories which give a human dimension of what biblical characters’ walk with Jesus might have been. Don has a unique and entertaining style and perspective. I pray that you will be moved by this work as I have been. Read on for his introduction to the series.

Portals of Prayer

Portals of Prayer

The July – September issue of Portals of Prayer is now available for pick up at each campus. If you would like a copy mailed to you, please contact Tom Perry and he would be glad to do so, tom@tlcms.org,...
God’s Field Is the World

God’s Field Is the World

by Pastor Ron Flentgen

Do you ever get tired of pulling weeds? I do. The job never seems to end during the growing season. One can wonder where they all come from. Sometimes in my zeal to get rid of them I have also pulled up good plants or demolished them with my Weed-eater. Life can be like that too. We may wonder where all the bad stuff comes from that infests the garden of life. It seems to never end.

The Real Treasure

The Real Treasure

A Devotion by Pastor Ron Flentgen

At our last 50+ Bible Class a few weeks ago, there was some discussion about what to study together as we moved toward the conclusion of our study of First Corinthians. The suggestion was made to use our final weeks together by looking at some of the parables of Jesus. We know that Jesus often taught by the use of parables as recorded in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke. Jesus was the greatest story-teller of all time, using parables as a kind of extended metaphor to draw attention to his teachings.

Let the Last Word Be Love – 1 Corinthians 16

Let the Last Word Be Love – 1 Corinthians 16

A Devotion from Pastor Ron

Gathering together each Wednesday for our 50+ Bible Class has been a source of joy, growth in the Lord, and strength for daily living. This is true of all our gatherings as a community of believers in Christ, just as the writer to the Hebrews said it:  “Let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together. . .”  (Heb. 10:24-25).