Mission Community Food Pantry – New Announcements

Mission Community Food Pantry – New Announcements

There are several exciting announcements to share regarding the new Mission Community Food Pantry that Trinity is a part of Trinity’s efforts to care for our surrounding community.

The First Announcement: Partnership

The Mission Community Food Pantry has received their Harvester’s Food Pantry Partnership approval. This means we will be able to work with Harvester’s to provide both fresh and canned/boxed food items for the pantry. 

Confirmation Update

Confirmation Update

Hello Confirmation students and families! Each week in the confirmation update you can expect to find a brief recap of what your students worked on and a preview of what is to come. We are currently in the second week of our Ten Commandments study. The students...
I Want to See Jesus

I Want to See Jesus

by Don Zoller

My height has always been a problem. Do you know what it’s like to grow up and always be the short straw? Kids at school called me, “runt”—undersized and weak! I just didn’t fit into any of their games. As an adult, I was tolerated, but rarely included. I was always odd-man out!