Zip Line Recap

Zip Line Recap

Last Sunday, seven of our High School Youth Group students and one terrified adult conquered four ziplines in the trees of Bonner Springs. We had a great time and wanted to share the fun with everyone at Trinity through the pictures we captured! We plan to coordinate...


What does it mean to be content in all circumstances? Can we trust God to be faithful? Will He provide what we need? Beginning on Sunday, October 25, high schoolers will take a deeper look into these questions and more during the Sunday School hour in their new study...
A New Normal

A New Normal

High Schoolers, join us each Sunday during the Sunday School hour as we continue our study on “A New Normal.” A Note from the Author “It is “normal” to feel uncomfortable when things change. God can give you peace, security, and wisdom to navigate during these...
Called to Love

Called to Love

“Love one another as I have loved you.” John 13:34 How do we love people we disagree with? Denver Broncos fans, Politicians, Activists, Influencers…God loves all people and He makes it clear that He wants us to love others too. Youth Group, let’s talk about how we are...
Stress Support for Students

Stress Support for Students

We are all walking through a stressful season as parents, educators, students, and families. As students enter middle and high school it can be harder to know what exactly is causing them stress or to feel overwhelmed.  Some teenagers may not know how to express their...