LVR Update

LVR Update

COVID-19 has forced many plans to change. The most recent change for Youth Ministry at Trinity is our trip to LVR. Due to the efforts to minimize the spread of the virus, the camp has decided to cancel our week in June. I was, along with the rest of the youth...
Random Gift Bag Delivery

Random Gift Bag Delivery

Special delivery! Youth Group, you might have seen one of these brown paper bags show up on your porch this week filled with goodies such as snacks, glitter, toilet paper, and even some QT gift cards. Through this fun activity we wanted to let our youth know that we...
Graduate of the Week: Jurgen Langegger

Graduate of the Week: Jurgen Langegger

Trinity’s graduate of the week is Jurgen Langegger. Jurgen is a 2020 graduate of Mill Valley High School and plans to take classes at Johnson County Community College next fall. When asked where he sees himself in five years, he responded with some of his hopes and...
Secret Servant 2020

Secret Servant 2020

Many things have changed over the course of a few short months; but one thing remains the same! We can still uphold what we were instructed in Matthew 7:12 “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

Parent Support – May 8

Parent Support – May 8

As States across the country being reopening after being shut down for thirty plus days, have you thought about how your kids (or even yourself) will “go back to normal” or a somewhat normal after the rules and restrictions become more relaxed? Will they bounce back...