Poetry by Linda

Poetry by Linda

Keep Up Your Faith
 by Linda Wendlandt

Truly our lives are being challenged right now.
We are forced to face an enemy that we can’t even see.
This Corona Virus is affecting everyone we know,
and the resultant Pandemic is very stressful indeed.

Family, Friends—and a Problem

Family, Friends—and a Problem

by Don Zoller

It was a three-day walk in the heat of a blistering sun—the walk from Bethsaida on the shores of the Sea of Galilee into the Galilean hill country—all up hill!  

Hi, my name is Philip. I was among the last who were called by Jesus to follow Him. But now, all Twelve of us were ready to go!   . . .  Somewhere?

Family, Friends—and a Problem

The Day We Lost Four Good Men

The Day We Lost Four Good Men
By Don Zoller

The rays of early morning light shimmered on the cascading ripples of the Sea of Galilee. Yet, even at this early hour, men were busy working: off-loading fish caught during the previous night, inspecting and repairing their nets, and cleaning the decks of their boats.

An Update on “Singing Together”

An Update on “Singing Together”

Dear Trinity Community:  When we resumed “in-person” worship at the end of June, the worship committee informed the congregation about our practice of singing together as a worshiping community. We have asked the congregation to silently follow the words of the...
Poetry by Linda

Poetry by Linda

God Has a Plan
 by Linda Wendlandt

This Pandemic is causing me to feel sad.
It seems like the whole Earth is going quite mad.
The isolation itself is becoming harder to bear.
And I miss our Church where there are people who care.

Family, Friends—and a Problem

Good Night, Peter

By Don Zoller

I couldn’t sleep!  I tried every trick to quiet my mind. Even counted the sheep I remembered seeing in the pasture next to our camp. Nothing worked. Just kept tossing and turning for I don’t know how long with reoccurring disturbing thoughts that seemed to go nowhere . . .