Singing Together

Singing Together

Dear Trinity Community: I wanted to spend a few minutes talking about the subject of Singing Together when we resume “in- person” worship on June 20/21. I am reminded of God’s Word found in Psalm 137 when God’s people were in exile in Babylon:  By the rivers of...
Trinity Seniors Happy Hour Update

Trinity Seniors Happy Hour Update

Begins July 28 at 10:30am | Via Zoom

For many of us at Trinity, we miss seeing and speaking to friends we are used to talking to at worship services.  We are going to experiment with a “Happy Hour” get-together via Zoom starting on July 28.  It will not take the place of in-person fellowship, but we hope this online gathering will give us a chance to see each other and have some conversation with those we have missed.

Good Morning, Jesus

Good Morning, Jesus

Yesterday was a rough day. It was hot! We did a lot of walking and met a lot of people—mostly disagreeable people. I think most of us really didn’t see much purpose in what we were doing. Going here, and going there! Why? We ended the day perplexed and very exhausted.

Good Morning, Jesus

Walking with Jesus

Devotional Stories to Help us Walk with Jesus
by Don Zoller

Author/member Don Zoller will be sharing some of his writings in a series presented over the next number of weeks, Don will share some of what he terms divine imagination stories which give a human dimension of what biblical characters’ walk with Jesus might have been. Don has a unique and entertaining style and perspective. I pray that you will be moved by this work as I have been. Read on for his introduction to the series.

Peace and Tranquility

Peace and Tranquility

Eric Paul Justin,MD,MPH,MBA | 16 July 2020
This Spring and Summer our backyard has become a daily oasis for me. Between the rich plant life and the abundant animal life in and around ‘our’ little lake there are few times one cannot be entertained by one or more creatures. Often we just hear the bird songs high in the trees. Such sweet music. Occasionally a bush will start wiggling which is often a tell-tale sign there is a nesting pair of small birds hidden away.

Missing Baseball

Missing Baseball

Eric Paul Justin, MD, MPH, MBA
9 July 2020

Baseball is just one of numerous activities that we have either given up or which have been stalled or changed since the beginning of 2020. As a longtime baseball fan, the issue of ‘missing baseball’ started months ago when spring training basically didn’t happen. Following that ‘wrench in the gears,’ things got worse. The entire season seemed to have come to an end. In addition to pandemic related causes there were the common, prolonged negotiations about money. Now, finally we may actually have a season opener later this July.