A Mother’s Wisdom

A Mother’s Wisdom

Eric Paul Justin, MD, MPH, MBA | 1 May 2020

When I was a child I was terribly bothered by something that now I cannot even remember. Back then it dominated my daily life. My school work suffered. My friends noticed too. It was such a dark and taboo ‘thing’ that had appeared in my mind, in my life. It would not go away.

Interest Reservoir

Interest Reservoir

There is an interesting connection being made between one of our youth and one of our seniors. I thought it a neat story of how generations with a wide span of years can work together. In this case it involves working on a project in which Drew Jaime enlisted the...
Show and Tell

Show and Tell

By Don Zoller

Most of us remember what it was like in school when we had to “Show & Tell” in front of the class. Although, at the time, we may not have appreciated what the teacher had in mind. It was all about presentation. As we grew older, we understood the importance of clear and concise presentations.

God’s Field Is the World

God’s Field Is the World

by Pastor Ron Flentgen

Do you ever get tired of pulling weeds? I do. The job never seems to end during the growing season. One can wonder where they all come from. Sometimes in my zeal to get rid of them I have also pulled up good plants or demolished them with my Weed-eater. Life can be like that too. We may wonder where all the bad stuff comes from that infests the garden of life. It seems to never end.