The church staff here at Trinity is dedicated to caring for your spiritual needs throughout the year. During the month of October, members are encouraged to show appreciation for staff. You are encouraged to express your love, support, and appreciation to our pastors, and indeed all our staff. Include them in your regular prayers, thank them for their loving service, and find ways to support their ministries as a vital part of our family of faith.
“October has traditionally been designated as Pastor Appreciation Month — an opportunity for congregations to express, in various ways, their thankfulness to the shepherds who care for them.”
“The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) will be encouraging congregations and school communities to use the month of October to demonstrate appreciation not only for their pastors, but for all workers in the parish and school — pastors, commissioned ministers, business managers, administrative assistants, teacher aides, custodians, cafeteria workers and everyone in between.” 
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