I Can’t Write

I Can’t Write

By Don Zoller

“I can’t write!” is a common response by many when faced with a blank page. I have said that myself at times. You’re not alone. It’s a natural response to a very scary thing. When asked to write and all you see is a blank page, there is a sense of fear and foreboding. Fear paralyzes most from writing.

Fundamentals and Faith

Fundamentals and Faith

Eric Paul Justin, MD, MPH, MBA | 23 April 2020

Growing up in Indiana I quickly learned basketball was everything. I shot baskets endlessly in rain, snow, and Summer’s heat and humidity. Dreams of being ‘great’ drove me. Improving and being chosen earlier than my buddies in pickup games was a reward. Early on one affable, quiet man had more influence on me than I realized.

Peaks, False Peaks, and COVID-19

Peaks, False Peaks, and COVID-19

Eric Paul Justin, MD, MPH, MBA  |  17 April 2020

Peaks are challenges, things to surmount, and they represent the goal of any mountain climber. Arising long before dawn to start our approaches to such peaks life was always flavored by eagerness and excitement. At the beginning of such a glorious climbing adventure we focused on the peak above us.

How was your Easter?

How was your Easter?

This week for our Fellowship Column, we asked Trinity’s seniors how they celebrated Easter. Here are some of their responses.

Something to Do When There’s Nothing to Do

Something to Do When There’s Nothing to Do

By Don Zoller

Thanks for dropping by the Author’s Corner.  On your way to somewhere, I guess, but not so much. Seems like we are all in this thing together—I mean sheltering-in-place! During these quiet days, you may have cleaned out your closet, resorted your storage spaces, read a book or two, watched more than enough TV or spent a lot of time on Facebook. Now what? The big search is for something to do when there’s nothing to do.